Four Rolling the Dice

Our Family of Four is about to journey across the country in a camper Eurovan starting in January. We are leaving everything to start a new life for our family. This blog is about our decision, our preparations, and our journey.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Three P's

So the last week has been one of paperwork, packing and planning.

We have been up to our necks in paperwork and online forms. For leaving work, getting our taxes prepared, moving and changing addresses, applying for new health coverage, opening new bank accounts, accessing accounts online, going paperless, canceling accounts, updating wills, and all other regular monthly paperwork has left our brains spinning. Luckily, we are close to being done and we have started the packing process.

We bought a used waterproof roof cargo pack on Ebay and are starting to look at how much space we really have, which I fear is much less than I was originally thinking. We have packed a medium-large sized tub of books that I was sure we would want and need on our trip. This would foster interest and ideas about all different subjects to homeschool the boys. Now, I am sure we have brought too much. We are going to have to whittle it away until we have only 3-4 month's worth of supplies. I was originally planning to bring a year's worth of items. It just doesn't make sense when you do not have the room.

Sometimes, it is hard to remember the abundance of the world. When you have a home, you are always thinking about collecting things, not only to bring you current comfort, but also to plan for the future. You know, like emergency candles and supplies for bad weather and power outages, plenty of every kind of battery, every kind of tool you may need to fix everything, clothes for every occasion and weather, kid's toys and art supplies for when they ask and that rainy day, last minute gift items should something come up, maps of the world and places you visit often for that last minute vacation, and of course books for education and for when you find the need to read something right away. The list can go on and on. Of course, we just don't have the room for all that future planning. We can only bring two candles, the blankets we are using for sleep, the food we have in our small storage, the batteries that we are currently using, a few tools for basic camping and car needs along with a pocket knife and Leatherman (Mcguyver would be good to have with us to get the van started with a piece of chewing gum, but we just don't have the space for one more traveler,) clothes for two days (wear one, wash one) and layers we will wear over and over again, buying gifts online, a map of where we are heading, and packing the one book we are currently reading.
Then there is art and homeschooling supplies.
I wish we could have brought our 4 boxes of kids books and 5 bins of art supplies, and don't ask me why I keep thinking that this is a good time to buy a set of encyclopedias. We want the kids learning and stimulated and finding fun things to study.

Remembering abundance is what will help. Remembering that there is a store or gas station all along the highway that will most likely have our emergency needs, if not, we have our phone and AAA. There are libraries with that set of encyclopedias and are always having those "Friend's of the Library" book sales for inexpensive books (as we add our old book to the sale collection), thrift stores for clothes as our current ones wear out or the boys grow out of them as well as books, puzzles and a toy that will excite them for our next long stretch of driving. There is plenty... there is an abundance to fill our needs. Of course should we be desperate, we can always buy new (Yikes!) Though I am extremely dedicated to never once go into a Wal-mart, no matter how convenient it may be for us.

If you already know me, I have so much guilt in buying new. There is so much abundance in the US that buying new is (luckily) an option I rarely have to take. I look on craigslist, ebay, garage sales, thrift stores, freecycle, and newspapers first for a couple of weeks, before I run out to buy something new. I almost always find it, in good or like new condition, for less than new price and best of all, it saves our overflowing landfills.
I almost never throw away anything that may still be of use to someone. It always amazes me what people may need or want if you make it free! Craigslist and Freecycle is free to list and a lot of papers will also let you list for free if you give it away and the cool thing is they come and get it! This was a wonder as we remodeled our last home and gave away broken cement, pavers, an old cedar hot tub, tiles, wood stoves, stair rails, carpet, kitchen cabinets, doors, windows, and so much more. It was simply amazing!

So last on our list is planning. So many people have asked us where we are going and we have told them the truth, "We don't know." Last week we confirmed the idea to go south to California first. Since we got our health insurance down there, instead of here in Washington (saving us $120 a month!) we want to be there in case we need to show up in person to sign anything. This week we have added to the many ideas swimming around, so many that somebody has to get out of the pool. This week we are seriously considering that after driving down to California, we drop the van off with family, and fly off to Europe to live there for 6 months. (All comments or information about this are welcome. We need ideas!) We are looking into flying into London (the rates are unbelievably low right now) and taking the train down through France and into Spain, where we would stay for 4-6 months. Husband has been to Spain and speaks Spanish rather well. The kids and I have been practicing whenever we can, though more now that Husband is home.

Here are my honest thoughts and fears on this: I just am not sure if this is the right time to go. I am worried about how to handle our money, our health care, and being US American doesn't make me feel very easy about traveling out of country, also the isolation the kids might feel as they don't really speak Spanish and won't be able to pick up friends easily, as they will speaking English, especially right after leaving their friends here. Yes, we will gain a wonderful experience, but I was also excited about traveling, visiting and learning about eco-communities and people who live off the grid and other intentional communities. I have never been much of a site-seer when we go places. I like to get to know people and find out what they think about and believe in. I was also excited about being "on the road" in our van. Well, we shall see. We will have many more talks about it over the next few days. Yes, our plans are to leave in 10 short days!

Meanwhile, we will continue to pack... and learn hablar espaƱol.


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